MEAN / Full Stack Training in Tallygunj


MEAN Stack Course Content

MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, ExpressJs, Angular and NodeJs. Mean Stack is one of the most popular technologies for developing fast, scalable and secure web applications.

Acesoftech Academy has started MEAN stack Training in Tallygunj in 2016 and since then we have taught hundreds of candidates who are working in different parts of the country and around the world. Acesoftech Academy is the premier MEAN stack Training institute in Tallygunj.

MEAN stack is based on JavaScript language.So,if you learn this language rest of the things becomes easier for you.

If you want to become a MEAN stack Full Stack Developer,this course will be very helpful for you.

  • What is MEAN stack
  • What is difference between MEAN stack and other stacks
  • Why learn MEAN stack?
  • Environment Setup
  • NodeJs Installation
  • Visual Studio code installation
  • TypeScript Installation
  • What is TypeScript
  • What is ECS6?
  • What is difference between TypeScript and JavaScript
  • Basic Types
  • Understanding Let Var and Const
  • Array
  • Tuples
  • Union
  • Class and Interfaces
  • Modules
  • Import
  • Export
  • Architecturengular Architecture overview
  • Angular CLI Installation
  • Install First Application
  • Introduction to Components
  • Component Architecture Patterns
  • Decorator Metadata
  • State & Behavior
  • Inputs and Outputs
  • Templates
  • Inline vs External
  • Template Expressions
  • *ngIf else and *ngFor
  • Built-in Structural Directives
  • Built-in Attribute Directives
  • Custom Directives
  • Types of Directive
  • Built-in Pipes
  • Custom Pipes
  • Introduction to Services
  • Building a Service
  • Dependency Injection
  • Introduction to Dependency Injection
  • Injectors & Providers
  • Registering Providers
  • Lifecycle Hooks
  • Component LifeCycle
  • Using ngOnInit
  • All lifecycle Hooks
  • The Component Router
  • Defining Routes
  • Navigation
  • Route Params
  • Child Routes
  • Advanced Routing
  • Route Guards
  • Template-driven Forms
  • Reactive Forms
  • Form Validation
  • Promises
  • Observables
  • HooksTTP Request / Response
  • Social Login Authentication
  • Cookies and Local Storage
  • Angular File Upload
  • Angular Pagination
  • Angular Shopping Cart
  • MVC Pattern
  • Introduction to Express
  • Routing
  • HTTP Interaction
  • Handling Form Data
  • Handling Query Parameters
  • Cookies and Sessions
  • User Authentication
  • Error Handling
  • Creating and Consuming RESTful Services
  • Using Templates
  • Understanding NoSQLMongoDB
  • Finding Documents
  • Update, Insert, and Delete
  • Indexing
  • Data Modeling
  • Aggregation
  • Using Mangoose
  • Deploying Node application on server
Third Party Modules
  • Social Login
  • Pagination
  • Search
  • Filter
  • JWT Token
  • File Upload


Since MEAN Stack is relatively a new technology, so before you take this course it’s important that you should know if the course has been descend properly or not. Our MEAN stack course has been design by expert who has been working in this industry for more than 5 years. Our course has been designed by Mr. Asif Hussain and Umar Rahman. Asif hussain is a MEAN stack developer in Bangalore and working on this technology for last 5 years and have worked on several projects for international clients. The course is updated at regular basis so that you will get modern and updated MEAN STACK course. You will always get latest MEAN Stack training in Tallygunj.


Our course material includes video, Books (Soft-copy) and source code. The book has been designed in such a way that you can read and understand in depth about the subject. In video, we have shown the coding and doing smaller projects so that you can learn at home by playing and re-winding. We update the book time-to-time and even your course is complete, you will always get updated and latest book. We share the book through Google drive so when we update the course material, you will always get updated course material.


Most important benefit is that you can develop latest and modern website and mobile Apps using these technologies. You will learn this with a single language called ‘JavaScript’ which is one of the most popular programing languages in the world.


If you are a fresherand learn this technology, rest assured that you are learning the latest technology which is going to last for long because this MEAN Stack technology is backed by Google and Microsoft.


If you are an existing website developer, you can add this technology in the armour of your website development skill and you can excel yourself from your other colleagues.


You are an existing developer and your salary growth has stopped? Don’t worry, learn MEAN Stack and then either ask for salary hike in your existing company or join another company as a MEAN Stack developer for better future


Self-up gradation is necessary in I.T. Field. So, if you are PHP, ASP.NET, JAVA or Python developer, you should learn this technology and use your existing skill along with this modern technology.


You need not learn many languages, you just learn one Language. ‘JavaScript ‘and then the whole MEAN Stack technology is yours. Because Angular, Node, MongoDB and Express, all use single language and that is ,’JavaScript’.


Working on same technology for long makes any developer slow performer of sluggish. The new language or technology makes the developer more energetic, more optimistic and more joyful to work with. MEAN Stack is a technology which is fun to learn and also fun to work with.


There is fear among the developers and designers of losing/forgetting the existing skill which he or she has learnt with hard work and spending much time. Because after coming new technology the existing one is replaced. But in case of Mean Stack there is no such problem. You need to worry at all because your existing skill will not be replaced. Rather it will be as an add-on in your skill.


Large community to support with. Mean Stack has become popular technology in the world and there is large community to support. There is plethora of developers particularly from stackOverflow where you can find the solution if you are stuck anywhere while developing the applications.


Are you a website developer and ever thought to develop mobile Application? This Mean Stack technology will fulfil your dream. You can develop mobile Apps also using this technology. Angular 2.x has been developed keeping in mind of Mobile devices.



What our students say about MEAN stack course in Tallygunj

I began attending MEAN stack training in Tallygunj at Acesoftech Academy with my brother. The trainer was very approachable and friendly, and the training methods were not just beneficial but also explained so well that it got easier to understand as I did progresses in learning this course.

Sumit Basu — 700001,Tallygunj

It is without a doubt does great work for getting started with coding Node.js and Express. If you are thinking of doing an online or offline MEAN stack course it is really helpful in learning these technologies. After learning this course, I am working in an MNC in Tallygunj itself.

Arpan Biswas — North Tallygunj

“I have been doing MEAN stack course for 3 months and love the way teach. My coding skill has increased. I am doing project this time, the trainers are very cordial and helpful”

Debjit Saha — 700005, Tallygunj

“It was a last minute decision to come for MEAN stack training in Tallygunj and I am so glad that I made this decision. The trainers are very good and give great training. The environment is just amazing for learning.”

Manoj Dey — Topsia ,Tallygunj

“MEAN Stack training modules are really helpful. It has helped me in my career.”

Arijit Das — 700010, Tallygunj

“Please let me thank you for giving me the time for improving the skill of Full stack development. I believe we talked about a plan for us to present MEAN stack training institute in India as well as how we were going to present ourselves. After attending the course I can say that whether you want to do this course online or offline, you will get best quality training.”

Suman Pal — 700010, Tallygunj

“This MEAN stack training course has helped me to transition from front end developer to full-stack dev. There is one primary instructor, Umar Sir. He is able to help students who may have no experience with web development.”

Pioyush Mukherjee — 700016, Tallygunj

The MEAN stack is a development stack for creating dynamic web applications that uses JavaScript, nodejs, and focuses on ease of use. They have not just helped me teaching this technology but also helped me to build projects which helped me in interview.

Bipin Dey — 700026, Tallygunj

If someone want to build a webpage based on the MEAN stack Training in Tallygunj? You can just visit their website and see the course content and decide. I have done MEAN stack full-stack development course from here and my expertise says that they teach really very good.

Mohan Maity — 700024, Tallygunj

I am from Behala Tallygunj, Acesoftech Academy is far from my home but still I decided for this full stack development course. Now I can say with confidence that the decision was right by join this centre for full stack development course.

Arnab Sen — 700032, Tallygunj

I am from Salt Lake sector 5 in Tallygunj and I have done Full stack development course from this institute. Though there are several full stack development training institute in Kolakta, but Acesoftech Academy is best for MEAN stack and MERN stack course.

Rohit Mondal — 700001, Tallygunj

Course Features

  • Course Duration: Months
  • Class:
  • Fees: Rs-
  • Mode Of Training:





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