Data Analytics With Visualization Course In Jadavpur Kolkata

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Data Analytics with Visualization, also known as Data Science with Visualization, is an innovative approach to analyzing and interpreting data by utilizing visual representations. It combines the power of data analytics techniques with visually appealing graphics in order to gain valuable insights from vast amounts of information. Acesoftech Academy, a renowned institution in Jadavpur Kolkata, India, offers a comprehensive Data Analytics course that includes specialized training in Data Visualization. Students enrolled in this program are equipped with the necessary skills to manipulate and analyze complex datasets using cutting-edge tools and technologies. By employing various visualization techniques such as charts, graphs, and interactive dashboards, analysts can effectively communicate their findings to both technical and non-technical audiences. With 100% placement assistance provided by Acesoftech Academy, aspiring data scientists have the opportunity to secure promising career opportunities upon completing this exceptional course.

  • Introduction to MS Excel, Cell Ref, Basic Functions and Usage
  • Sorting, Filtering, Advance Filtering, Subtotal
  • Pivot Tables and Slicers
  • Goal Seek and Solver
  • Different Charts Graphs – Which one to use and when
  • Vlookup, Hlookup, Match, Index
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Worksheet & Workbook Reference, Error Handling
  • Logical Operators & Functions – IF and Nested IF
  • Data Validation
  • Text Functions
  • Form Controls
  • Dashboard
  • 6 Case Studies from App Cab Aggregators, Insurance, Sports, Sales, Marketing, Web Analytics Industry
  • SQL Queries & Relational Database Management
  • Relational Database Fundamentals
  • Steps to Design Efficient Relational Database Models
  • Case Studies on Designing Database Models
  • Case Study Implementation on Handling Data
  • Importing / Exporting Large Amount of Data into a database
  • SQL Statements – DDL, DML, DCL, DQL
  • Writing Transactional SQL Queries, Merging, joining, sorting, indexing, co-related queries, etc.
  • Hands-on Exercises on Manipulating Data Using SQL Queries
  • Creating Database Models Using SQL Statements
  • Individual Projects on Handling SQL Statements
  • 6 Case Studies from App Cab Aggregators, Ecommerce, Sports Industry
  • Hibernate
  • Introduction to Data Visualization
  • Introduction of Data Visualization using Tableau
  • Tableau Basics
  • Working with Sorting and Filters
  • Creating Dual Axis and Combo Charts
  • Table Calculations
  • Calculated Field
  • Logical Calculations
  • Date Calculations
  • Parameters
  • Using Actions to Create Interactive Dashboards
  • Advanced Charts
  • Working with data
  • Sets
  • Drilling Up/Down using Hierarchies
  • Grouping
  • Bins/Histograms
  • Analytics using Tableau
  • Building dashboards
  • Story Telling with Data
  • Data Interpreter
  • 4 Case Studies on Retail, Airline, Bank datasets
  • Types of data, Graphical representation
  • Correlation, Data Modeling & Index Numbers
  • Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion
  • Forecasting & Time Series Analysis
  • Probability, Bayesian Theory
  • Probability Distribution and Mathematical Expectation
  • Sampling and Sampling Distribution
  • Theory of Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis
  • Analysis of Variance
  • Regression Models
  • Predictive Modeling with R
  • Introduction to R
  • Data Handling in R
  • Overview of Analytics and Statistics
  • String and character functions in R
  • Overview of Analytics and Statistics
  • Linear regression in R
  • Logistic Regression in R
  • Time Series theory discussion overview
  • Clustering Concepts and Case Study
  • Feature Engineering & Dimension Reduction and Case Study
  • Decision Trees
  • Python Essentials
  • Scientific Distribution
  • Accessing / Importing and Exporting Data using Python modules
  • Data Manipulation
  • Visualization using Python
  • Introduction to Predictive Modeling
  • Modeling on Linear Regression
  • Modeling on Logistic Regression
  • Time Series Forecasting
  • Quick Start Power BI Service
  • Getting and Transforming Data with Power BI Desktop
  • Modeling with Power BI
  • Power BI Desktop Visualisations
  • Power BI Service Visualisation Tools
  • Publishing and Sharing
  • Refreshing Datasets
  • Power BI and Excel Together
  • Supervised learning : Decision Tree
  • Supervised Learning : Ensemble Learning
  • Text Mining and Analytics

Course Features

  • Course Duration: Months
  • Class:
  • Fees: Rs-
  • Mode Of Training:





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